
Shamanic Therapy

Shamanic Therapy invites you to connect with your true self, with the spirits of your ancestors and with nature.

The power to heal starts from within.

To discover your authentic self is to know who you really are and to accept that reality of yourself, rather than who you think you are or who you want to be. From this authenticity you can develop your spiritual self by accepting the inherent wisdom of your own experiences and those of your ancestors, and you can learn to be truly harmonious with nature and with other people.


When you do the inner work, face your worst shadows and learn to safely welcome them into the light, you will become whole, rooted and stable, with integrity and strength. At such a deep level of awareness and connection, your immune system is more robust, so even if you were to become sick, your chance to heal and recover is tremendously improved.


Shamanic Therapy is therefore grounded in the process of self-healing and rediscovering your authentic self, reconnecting with your spiritual self, and becoming a whole person full of vitality. Allow me to be your guide in this process, to show you the experience of being in the present moment in your body and of the self-healing power that is already within you.

Shamanic Therapy – Sacred Touch Massage

Immerse into depths within and discover the true meaning of energetic healing that lies within your sacred life force. The energy that will awaken within you will course through you and flow from your abdomen to every extremity, and its power will continue to increase the more you relax and give in to it. It is a powerful experience, and the wonders it does to your well-being is beyond description. It will hit you with physical excitement, emotional release and spiritual awareness all at once. Relax, open up and feel your own power healing you. No judgement, no analysis, no ego, no labels… instead, feel appreciated for the amazing being that you are: exactly as you are!


You will have my undivided attention (what we call loving presence) and guidance from the start to the end of the session. This is all about you. I intuitively feel your needs at a deep energetic level and adjust the flow of the massage accordingly to achieve the goal of healing. I guide you with breathwork and meditation if it is necessary during the massage. When your life force awakens and begins to flow through you, it can trigger intense healing. At the end, you will feel whole: physically, emotionally and spiritually.


This massage is about 2 hours long (that is the duration which you are being massaged). The whole session can take about 3 hours.


The price is 130,-

Shamanic Therapy – Power Healing Massage

Surrender yourself to the forces within your body and to the massage. I am in direct communication with what your body needs, where it needs it and how it needs it at each moment of the massage. This is not a typical massage, but a powerhouse of activity from soft to intense, from slow to fast, from one place to another. I am usually in a trance with shamanic drumming music in the background, feeling the physical and emotional knots, and the blockages in your chakras, and through shamanic massage techniques and channelling, I proceed to dissolve the knots and realign your chakras. It really is a unique approach where deep healing takes place.


Experience the depths to which the touch can heal you. It will feel so normal because it is what your body wants. For those sensitive to energy, there will be a lot of direct feedback to your energy flow whereby you can experience trilling or energetic spasms. For those sensitive to shamanic or similar practices, you might end up journeying during the massage. If you have pent up emotions, there is often release. If you have chronic pain, there is often temporary relief that can last a few weeks. A Power Healing massage is a tailored journey that is always unique to the moment itself.


This massage is about 2 hours long (that is the duration which you are massaged/guided). The whole sessions takes about 3 hours.


The price is 130,-

Shamanic Therapy – De-armouring

De-armouring is the process of shedding off your armour, that is the emotional baggage you have been carrying your whole life, consciously or unconsciously, that has prevented you from being your authentic self. Your armour can make you conform to the ideals of others, empower your archetype (leader, victim, helper, trickster etc), dose you with various levels of deep-seated anxiety and irrational fears, distort your health (chronic pain, fatigue, ulcer, indigestion, constipation etc), distort your emotional well-being (anger, frustration, disgust, sadness, worry etc), and it can even distort your spiritual development (rationalization, phobias, dogma, morality principles etc). And all this has taken root in your body! In your chest, in your abdomen, in your groin.


A De-armouring session begins with a Sacred Touch massage on the front part of your body (see above) and from there I can feel the blockages and triggers that have made a home in your body. Then I begin to work on them, releasing what can be released within your thresholds. It is normal to feel emotional release or pain with this kind of spiritual bodywork and it is welcome. We do not have the labels positive or negative (that is judgemental), instead we have energy in different manifestations. We de-armour from the chest to the groin. Step-by-step we work on releasing the blocked energies so that the healing process can take place.


This massage is about 2 hours long (that is the duration which you are massaged/de-armoured). The whole session can take about 3 hours.


The price is 180,-

I am not a shaman and do not consider myself a shaman. I am a shamanic practitioner. There is a distinct difference, and I would be dishonouring true shamans if I would make such a false claim. Shamans are revered medicine men in many tribal cultures who encompass the wisdom of their ancestors, use plant medicine and rituals to heal and guide members of their tribe. I can only hope to aspire to such wisdom one day.


My intrinsic abilities began with energetic self-healing and were enhanced through internal energy work like Tai Chi. In 2020, I attended my first Shamanic journey, and my life was literally transformed within 6 weeks. I discovered my authentic self. I accepted who I was, I made new choices, I walked new paths and I embraced the call of developing myself through shamanism.


Wanting to help people heal and being entrusted to do so is a privilege that humbles me each time. Every new encounter makes me grow: one little step wiser, one beautiful new connection, one more happy spirit. After my life transformed, I knew that this path would be the one I would walk and learn and develop and use, along with that of Dao Lu, because it was all about chi – energy.


The focus is to relieve you from the blockages (in whatever form) that are preventing your chi from flowing. You are guided and encouraged to connect, open up and listen within to your life force. I will awaken it and help you target your blockages with it.


Every session is unique. I work with what I intuitively feel energetically, and the depth of my trance depends on the strength of our connection and your level of openness/readiness to receive energy in that session.


This is also about rediscovering your authentic self. You are invited to be honest, open and vulnerable. You will receive the same honesty, openness and vulnerability from me. We are both persons with our issues and complicated lives. The only way for connection to be genuine and to build up trust is to have a two-way flow.


It is advisable to continue with sessions when Shamanic Therapy works for you. Take time to integrate what you felt, experienced and encountered. It is a process, hence the term journey. Once you are ready to receive again, make an appointment. Through consistent and intense self-developmental work, you will change, grow and develop, delving deeper, wearing down the blockages that hold you back.


The authentic self is whole, full of integrity. Let go of your ego and accept yourself for the beautiful being that you are including everything you consider a flaw. Strip away any masks and ideals you wish to present. Be aware by looking inward rather than projecting outward. Stand for what you believe in and be at peace with it. Respect yourself, others and nature. And always take one-step further out of your comfort zone (otherwise you will never grow). These are the guiding principles we will work with and always strive for.


Let the chi flow and the healing commence.

Further Information

I offer Shamanic Therapy mainly to clients I know because it helps to already be acquainted with your background and issues, and because trust is a vital element in these sessions. If you have experience with such (or similar) therapy or massage form, then let me know and we can do an intake to see if it feels right to go further with a treatment. Otherwise, one of the different sessions I offer may be a better starting point.


This is serious and intense self-developmental work. Sometimes after a session you can feel high and energetic, and other times you can feel low and tired, but I assure you that both results are good because that is who you are at that moment – who you need to be – in order to heal.


It is appreciated and helpful if you are completely undressed during a Shamanic Therapy massage. Emotional and physical trauma often cause blockages in the chest, abdomen and groin, which will be addressed in the session. Furthermore, clothing acts as superficial armour to hide behind creating another barrier, which often feeds anxiety. You are covered with a sheet to stay warm.


If you are pursuing other therapies, physical or psychological, this kind of treatment is often complementary. It does not necessarily interfere with other trajectories. Shamanic Therapy takes a holistic approach to healing and can work well in conjunction with other methods. It is inclusive rather than exclusive. However, if you suffer from psychosis or a similar condition, or are currently being treated for psychosis or a similar condition, then Shamanic Therapy is probably not suitable for you. Also, if you suffer from a deep trauma and are currently being treated for it, then think carefully if Shamanic Therapy will be helpful or detrimental at this phase of your therapeutic process.


For further practical information regarding the sessions, please read the Practical Info page.

two people with hands on each others hearts in Chi Works Massage Studio.